Here's the comic in its entirety, sorted for your ease-of-access. Please re-acquaint yourselves with the warning before you visit these pages, and remember, this is Not-Safe-For-Work.
The Madness Begins...
Things best saved for a rainy day...
The first Post-Mortem comix...
A letter from the Huntmaster...
The second Post-Mortem comix...
Things are learned, bonds are formed.
The third Post-Mortem comix...
What lurks in the woods...
The fourth Post-Mortem comix...
An eventful first night at Dawnwatch...
The fifth Post-Mortem comix...
Clifford decides to run a little errand...
The sixth Post-Mortem comix...
The gang returns to Woodsgrave, and meets an unexpected new friend…
The seventh Post-Mortem comix...
Edgar and Rozzlyn meet again…
The eighth Post-Mortem comix...
Clifford and Crystin enact a plan…
The ninth Post-Mortem comix...
A visit is made...